Resurrection is excited to offer the Sacrament of Confirmation to our youth. Here you will find your assignments and dates for projects in the class.
If you have questions, you can contact me through email: associate@resurrectionla.com
What is Confirmation?
“Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace; it is the sacrament which seals the grace of the Holy Spirit within us, to root us more deeply as children of God, incorporate us more firmly into Christ, strengthen our bond with the Church, associate us more closely with it’s mission, and help us bear witness to the Christian faith in words accompanied by deeds.”
The Sacrament of Confirmation is never to be taken lightly, nor is it to be received without proper preparation and careful consideration on the part of both candidate and those who both prepare and support him or her.
It is for this reason that we make every effort that each person Confirmed is properly formed in the faith of Jesus Christ, and has the knowledge and experience of the Church which is His body, living and present in our world, fitting for full participation in her life.
If you feel Ambitious, read the Baltimore Catechism
Confirmation News
- Sponsor Forms are due. Please turn in paperwork by next class
- Begin looking for a Saint to use as your Confirmation Name.
- Reports are due at the end of October
- If you are unable to attend Class or Mass, please email: associate@resurrectionla.com
- For information please call Letty Pinon @ (323) 264-1963
Calendar of Events
- Sponsor Form
- Attend Mass every Sunday @ 9am (Unless otherwise stated)
- Class Attendance (No more than three unexcused absences or you will be removed from the class)
- Saint Report
- Knowledge of Prayers
- Two Retreats
- Raffle Tickets
- Service Hours (20 Hours)
Sponsor Selection
A Sponsor will be chosen by each candidate at the beginning of their Confirmation preparation. The sponsor will be required to obtain a Sponsor Certificate from their parish prior to their acceptance for this role in the faith journey of the candidate. Sponsors must be living their own lives according to the teachings of the Catholic Church, being Baptized and Confirmed and if married – they are validly married in the Catholic Church as well as attending Mass regularly as the basic minimum of participation in the life of the Church. Parents cannot be sponsors under any circumstances, since they are already considered the “first and best teachers of the faith” for their children.
Mass Attendance
The Eucharist is the center of our lives as Catholics and faithful weekend Mass attendance is required every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation as preparation for Confirmation. If you attend Mass at another Parish with permission from the Confirmation coordinator, please bring a bulletin from that parish signed by the celebrating Priest from that Mass to the next class.
Saint Report
In preparation for the reception of Confirmation, each candidate will select a saint to choose for their Confirmation name. Once a name is selected the candidate will write a report on this saint.
Service Hours
- Mariachi Festival
- CCD Bingo
- Christmas Dinner
- Ash Wednesday
- St. Jospeh’s Table
- Sunday Mass Volunteer
- Catechism Helper
- First Friday Adoration
- Youth Group
- Donations