To say the least, this is the most unusual time of our lives. The fear of a plague has descended upon the whole earth. We have been accustomed to wearing a new piece of apparel: masks. To further inoculate us against this virus, we now do not shake hands.
In these times of trouble who do we have to turn to? For one, we look to our political leaders whose first obligation is the protection of the citizens. We look for their collective wisdom and planning to get us through these terrible times. We pray for them to make the right choices.
But beyond the obvious role of the State, there is the role of God. However, for many people God has taken a backseat. He has been missing. Or has He really been missing? Has God gone into hiding or have we?
A generation ago there was a popular African American musical called “My Arms Are Too Short to Fight With God.” It incapsulated the black American experience: they could not fight with God because it simply would not be a fair fight and God would always win. I believe that for those who want to use these days as a reason to be angry with God have to really think hard and realize that if they tried to get angry with God, they would not win.
“This truly is the day the Lord has made,” to quote the psalm. No social distance, no stay home edict can take away the Victory of Jesus Christ.
Our church, the building is barren, sad looking, like an abandoned building. People are praying outside. We know that Faith does not depend upon a building, it is true, but our Faith is strengthened by what is inside that building: Jesus Christ. He is still with his people. It is just a little more difficult to see Him.
Hopefully in a few weeks our doors will be open and the community of Resurrection will be in line to once again come and be with Jesus. So be it.
Msgr. John Moretta
Miss my friends at resurrection. May God be with you all
Thank you, Monsignor, for the many years of dedication and commitment to the people of the Resurrection Church family and the surrounding community.
Hi Msgr. My son sent me the link that had President Trump announcing all churches, synagogues, & mosques are to be opened immediately. I can’t wait to get back to church. I’m sure things will be different. As the song says ” I’m so happy so very happy, I’ve got the love of Jesus in my heart.”
May the Holy Spirit bring us peace, increase our faith in all moments of our life journey .Amen?
? monsignor John thank you very much and God keep you all safe. Bendiciones ?
I hope you all will support our fundraiser in November for the school. For more info see mariachi festival/comedy fundraiser in the menu above. Stay safe. Fr. John
Please do not open any messages pertaining to Dropbox. It is a scam. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.
We are so lucky to have our Priest here at Resurrection. We have Father John, he fights for us in every way. He works hard to keep our community safe and does not back down to anyone. He specks the truth and squares off with Politicians to protect our rights. He only wants us to live a safe and healthy life. Father John leads us in prayer, he prays with us, and for us. We could not ask any more of him. And father Christ, he guides us in prayers and helps us understand the word of God. He is soft spoken and brings us pace to our hearts. Please donate what you can afford, not just your change. Do the right thing.